Navigate the Complex Landscape of Trauma Welcome, seekers of knowledge and transformation! Today, I am honored to...
Teach! Whether you are an instructor or a studio owner, it IS possible for your business to serve you, instead of for you to feel like a worker-bee to your business.
Imagine having the right clients paying you the money you deserve during the hours you want to work so you can spend your evenings and weekends with your family.
It is possible to know that you know what you’re doing with your fitness business. Confidence? Check! Control? Check. Clients? Check. Community? Check.
Profitable Pilates, your source for fitness business advice, coaching and community.
Hundreds of blog posts! Everything from getting new clients to staying organized. Clarify your fitness business. New posts weekly.
Dozens of courses from dozens of instructors. From marketing to finance to social media and everything in between. New courses monthly.
Need personalized guidance? Join AGENCY, Lesley Logan’s group mastermind program designed for fitness businesses of all sizes.
We’ve built a safe and protected, encouraging community of fitness business owners from around the world. You’re not alone in this!
Choose from dozens of courses taught by subject matter experts. Social media? Marketing? Hiring/firing? Client retention?
Are you trying to become a Pilates instructor? Click “Become a Teacher” to learn all about how to choose a teacher training program.
You want to move your business forward but you don’t even have time to think. You started teaching so you could help people, but now you’re bogged down with admin, aren’t making the money you need and want and are thinking giving it all up. If this sounds like you, find out more about Lesley’s group coaching mastermind, Agency.
Profitable Pilates: Everything But the Exercises is your “how-to” Pilates business guidebook. From choosing the right Pilates program to where you can teach Pilates, how to market yourself, deal with client scheduling, life and work balance, transitioning from your old career to your new Pilates teaching career, first-time client sessions and so much more!
Navigate the Complex Landscape of Trauma Welcome, seekers of knowledge and transformation! Today, I am honored to...
Set Yourself Up For Success With This Easy To Follow Course! “Have Skills, Will Travel” is practically my mantra!...
High-Quality Website I’ve got some great news for you if you’re a health and wellness practitioner. Business is...
My Version of Pilates Gym Our only non-renewable resource is our time. As Pilates Teachers, we are only too aware...
Pilates is for Everybody “Pilates is for everybody.” As Pilates instructors, we say and hear this all the time;...
Plan for Your Marketing Like you, when I first started my business, I was SO excited. That new business buzz was...
Lesley hosts regular webinars with industry subject matter experts focused on how you think and what you do. Past webinars have covered topics like how to properly insure your business to the power of having a dream that scares you…
lipsum as it is sometimes known, is dummy text used in laying out print, graphic or web designs. The passage is attributed to an unknown typesetter in the 15th century who is thought to have scrambled parts of Cicero’s De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum for use in a type specimen book.
We know how hard it is when your spouse, friends, or family aren’t in the fitness world. That’s why we created a safe, encouraging, empowering community of fitness business owners just like you.