Pilates Business Coaching Brad Crowell Lesley Logan - mb comp


We help Pilates businesses generate influence, impact, and income.

Agency members tell us that our coaching program helps them


Does this sound familiar?

There's too much to do!

I’m running around in circles and feel like I never get anything finished. Just starting and then interruptions over and over. Am I going to burn out?

I'm afraid to make the wrong decision...

I was never taught any of this in my teacher training program. What if I make a colossal mistake?

I'm often doubting myself

I wish I had a sounding board, or someone to talk through this stuff with besides my partner. 

I'm feeling stuck!

I just don’t understand. I must not have that magic spark that I need to be a successful entrepreneur.

I'm making the same money I was six months ago.

I know there’s money to be made… why can’t I grow my business?

Nothing I do changes where I'm at.

I’m so frustrated! I keep seeing others succeeding online but it’s not working for me.

I'm teaching the same clients over and over again.

Why can’t I get new clients? What am I doing wrong? Can I afford to fire a client?

I thought it would be more fun.

I got into working for myself to have a flexible life, but all I do is work, work, work.

I'm so burnt out. I'm done.

I feel like I spend so much time doing admin and bookkeeping and social media… I’m not even enjoying teaching anymore.

It’s time to work on your business instead of only working in your business.

Lesley Logan of Profitable Pilates

Lesley Logan, founder of Profitable Pilates


I was teaching 25+ hours a week, while writing a book, building a community, planning retreats, offering online memberships, and a coaching program… I was trying it all.

I just thought that if we built it, people would come. Then I thought that if I just promoted it on social, they would come.

Finally, I hired some business coaches and learned that there are systematic approaches to creating all the things you want to do! This made the results less personal. (Whether it’s working or not has far less to do with you; it has everything to do with your product, process, and messaging.)

Now that I have a better understanding of my clients and clearer messaging I’m no longer crying when it doesn’t work – because it is finally working!


Agency is customized to meet your needs… no templates here!

More than 2000 Pilates business owners have gone through the program already.


one-on-one, group coaching


live webinars, courses, books


relationships, chat, support


personal practice, breathwork

Agency Membership Bundle

Join the community and gain clarity, support, and direction


You'll have direction!

No more overwhelm! We’ll help you create a tangible plan, a series of next-steps, a path for you to take. No more wondering what is priority. Make your business work for you – no templates found here.

Bring in more clients

And not just any clients, but the RIGHT clients. The clients you want to teach. The ones that light your fire, and make you want to show up. The ones you get to brag about to your friends.

Feel More in Control $$

You’ll know your numbers, which puts you in control of your business. No more taking clients because you think you have to! Learn how to make boundaries that will give you your life back.


Have more Clarity

Clarity creates confidence, which creates peace-of-mind. Agency members know what they’re going after, and how to get there. They are creating a foundation of income. You will too!


Plus a whole lot more… (seriously, so many the page wouldn’t load)

Not seeing epic testimonials? Click here.


Agency PRO members can book calls with our coaches throughout the year.

Lesley Logan

Goals, action planning, ideas, becoming known, getting unstuck, setting + raising your rates, collaborations, social media.

Brad Crowell

Website, SEO, operations, growing + managing a team, project management, Magic Number, hitting your income goals, assessing if you’re ready for new income streams, anything tech (including filming or podcasting), sourcing and creating products.

RyanMae McAvoy

Employee Relations: Coaching, Culture Creation Employee Lifecycle: Support from Hire to Retire and Everything in Between Strategic Employee Advising: Hiring Forecasts, Employee Retention Strategies, Managing Difficult Conversations

Rachel Piper

Training programs and materials, learning style identification and integration, size inclusivity, neurodiversity, intuitive actions, interviewing and team building, short and long term strategy, organization and action planning, technical writing and review.

Roxy Menzies

Content creation, content strategy, idea generation & clarity, general business, writing, publishing, proposal & grant writing, work travel.

Kersten Veronesi

Content marketing, Social media, Blogging, Email marketing, Marketing strategy creation and development, Brand and reputation management.


With Members on 4 Continents
Across 14 Time Zones, who are teachers,
home and brick & mortar studio owners!

Men and women from all teaching styles
Many have been in AGENCY for more than a
year… (some for FIVE!)


We have two programs you can choose from to get started. Agency On-Demand, and Agency PRO. Each has a payment plan or a pay in full option (where you can save!).


1 Payment (Save)




6 monthly dues of


for 6 months access




12 weekly dues of


for 1 year access


On-Demand Courses

35 Courses (more added often.)


Office Hours

1x per month. 3 day replays available.

Pro members get Group Calls


Live Webinars

At least 2 live webinars each month. Each webinar has a two week replay.


Lesley’s Book

Profitable Pilates: Everything But the Exercises.


Private Coaching Calls

1x per calendar quarter.


Group Coaching Calls

1x per month.


24/7 Chat Support

The most supportive community on the ‘net.


Live Breathwork Sessions

1x per month.


Weekly Classes on OPC

Weekly Mat & Reformer classes at OnlinePilatesClasses.com.


Members-Only Discounts

20% Off additional coaching calls, Solo Courses, and Lesley’s Cambodia Pilates Retreat.


Membership Overall Value

Were you to buy everything individually.




This membership will bill 6 times (1x/mo) before you can cancel, and then is recurring month-to-month. We will be presenting you with a coaching agreement to sign. You agree to our Terms, Privacy, and Refund Policy.

This is a not recurring membership. 12 weekly payments will be made to our financing partner, myAbundant. We will be presenting you with a coaching agreement to sign. You agree to our Terms, Privacy, and Refund Policy.




1 payment of


for 6 months access

save $182!




1 payment of


for 1 year access

save $609!


On-Demand Courses

35 Courses (more added often.)


Office Hours

1x per month. 3 day replays available.

Pro members get Group Calls


Live Webinars

At least 2 live webinars each month. Each webinar has a two week replay.


Lesley’s Book

Profitable Pilates: Everything But the Exercises.


Private Coaching Calls

1x per calendar quarter.


Group Coaching Calls

1x per month.


24/7 Chat Support

The most supportive community on the ‘net.


Live Breathwork Sessions

1x per month.


Weekly Classes on OPC

Weekly Mat & Reformer classes at OnlinePilatesClasses.com.


Members-Only Discounts

20% Off additional coaching calls, Solo Courses, and Lesley’s Cambodia Pilates Retreat.


Membership Overall Value

Were you to buy everything individually.




This is a 6 month recurring membership. We will be presenting you with a coaching agreement to sign. You agree to our Terms, Privacy, and Refund Policy.

This is a 12 month recurring membership. We will be presenting you with a coaching agreement to sign. You agree to our Terms, Privacy, and Refund Policy.


We know investing in yourself can be scary (we’ve spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on ourselves over the years… we get it!) And maybe you’ve spent time and money in the past on other coaching programs without seeing the results you wanted. This won’t be like that, let me assure you.

A program like this, if we offered it one-on-one, would cost $21,899… but by creating a group setting we can offer this for far less.

You could do this on your own…


It would be much SLOWER

We believe in you! You totally could figure all of this out on your own… but you will be delaying the income you can make, the lives you can change.

You'll miss the SHARED experience

There is POWER in being in a group with supportive people. Hang out with others who GET IT – the pressure, the stress, growth, the wins!


No Instant Access

To the experts working with you on your services, customer journey, or fitness business roadmap, whether that’s through coaching or courses.

Imagine where you’ll be in your business in 6 months, 12 months!


  • I’ve been through business coaching programs before, how is this any different?
  • I don’t have the TIME to learn all this stuff.
  • I wish I had the money to do this…
  • I’m don’t think I’m ready for this in my business yet…

I promise you – you’ve never been in a fitness business coaching program like this before. Not only will you be taking time for yourself with workouts and some self-care, you’ll walk away with CONFIDENCE and a roadmap for your business.

We are literally speeding up time for you. And, this is a tax write off! You could sell four 10 packs to get 12 months of coaching, and make even more money with the way we’ll help you reorganize everything.

If you are feeling STUCK in your business right now, this program is for you no matter when you started.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the rules for Agency?


  • – You’re welcome to ask other guests for help, insight, advice, whatever you need. And it would be superb if you’re up for sharing your expertise with others when they’re in need of a little guidance.
  • – Lesley will pop in pretty much daily during business days, but may not be able to address every question that comes up immediately – especially since we’re spread across tones of time zones!
  • This isn’t a place to say, “Lesley, can you just write my newsletter for me?” However, Lesley is happy to read and provide feedback on the copy you have written.
  • – Please respect each other (and don’t gross us out) by keeping this a pitch-free zone. You’re already vetted as someone who knows better, but just in case:
  • – That includes buried pitches like, “I’m feeling vulnerable about this landing page for my flagship course that’s helped thousands of Pilatinis® scale from 5 to 8 figures in a year! Which logo do you like best?” (PS, that’s my trademark – and part of the joke.)
  • – Agency is NOT a place for you to sell to each other. It is a place for you to learn how to sell to your audience. Because the other members here in Agency probably also know your audience, just in a different time zone, country, or language.
  • – We have, however, created a safe place to share your events, guest speakers, etc, over at #your-events. You can always mute this channel if you want.
  • – And let’s keep things positive, to help each other make strides. To that effect:
  • – Post your wins! We have a #clientwins channel for that. Winning is contagious.
  • – Please keep the language upbeat. Not fake-upbeat, but if you’re in a whiny, victimy mood (which we all get in), try & reframe it – OR, you can post in our #i-need-a-moment channel, which is dedicated to feeling angry and needing a place to vent.
  • – We would encourage you to also post a win on the same day you are posting a moment, because have you noticed that reading complain-y posts brings you down?
What is your Refund Policy?

We do not offer refunds outside of our money-back guarantee policy!

We work with those who are COMMITTED to moving their businesses forward, who KNOW they need support and community, and are itching to get started. If that’s you, you’re not going to want a refund, we’re sure of it.

You can read that policy here.

Not quite sure? Schedule a call with Brad by clicking this link https://calendly.com/brad-crowell/agency-mini

What are my benefits as an Agency member?
All Agency PRO members receive:
  • – 20% off LLP retreats in Cambodia
  • – 20% off extra coaching calls
  • – 20% off all Profitable Pilates Courses that are not part of the On-Demand program
  • – Access to OPC Mat and Reformer classes
  • – Lesley’s e-book
Re: on demand, can one commit to month by month or is there a minimum of months?

Great question! For Agency On-Demand’s payment plan, it starts with a 6 month commitment. After the 6 months it rolls directly into a Month to Month plan, at which point you can cancel at any time. 

If you choose to leave and come back, you would be commiting to another 6 months.

Don’t forget, we add new courses to the Agency On-Demand (AOD) curriculum frequently!

What if I can't attend the live Webinar or Group Call?

No prob! While we love for everyone to be on live with our guests, we get that it’s not always possible. You can always catch the replays, and/or send in any specific questions you have for our hosts ahead of time (please give us at least 2 business days to make sure it gets captured, and we’ll do our best!).

Webinar replays are available for exactly 2 weeks from their live date.

Group Calls are posted into their Slack channel and are available as long as the link is visible in Slack (it will bump off eventually as we keep chatting with each other.)

What if I missed the Webinar replay?

Oh no! We try to be flexible when possible, as we totally get that once in a while things slip through the cracks. But now that some of these webinars are being turned into courses, we won’t be able to make exceptions.

Need technical help? (Login, etc)

Need technical help, like with logging in? Please reach out directly to our support team, who’s always on hand to keep things running smoothly. https://prfit.biz/chat (opens Messenger)

A quick note from Profitable Pilates & Agency founder, Lesley Logan

I started AGENCY because nothing like this existed when I was trying to figure out what it meant to be running my own fitness business.

Along my path I started taking notes. Those notes became a book. That book grew into a blog. That blog turned into coaching calls, which quickly grew into AGENCY, a private mastermind group where I get to spend time with instructors and studio owners like you!

We talk about all the things I did to take my practice of private clients to over 6-figures in sales a year, before opening (then closing) my own studio, launching an on-demand membership platform, selling courses, workshops, retreats, and more.

AGENCY members tend to stick around, and the group helps each other now. Why?

Because last year AGENCY members made more money, got more clients, hired better teachers, built beautiful websites, started marketing themselves, freed up more time for their friends and family, and they are really happy about it.

I think you’ll love AGENCY too, so join me! What are you waiting for?


Brad Crowell and Lesley Logan Profitable Pilates


Lesley Logan, a certified Pilates teacher, habits, mindset, and breathwork coach, fell in love with Pilates after her first 100! From side-hustle to full time, she jumped from teacher to manager to running multiple studios. Pulling from her business degree and personal experience, she wrote a book that focused on the business of Pilates, which grew into ProfitablePilates.com and is now a business coaching program called Agency. Later she created OnlinePilatesClasses.com, which includes the first free online catalog of Pilates tutorials. When not in Las Vegas she travels, leading workshops and retreats around the world. Connect with LL on IG @lesley.logan & @profitablepilates


An enthusiastic and charismatic team leader, Brad Crowell is the CEO of As The Crows Fly, the parent company of brands such as OnlinePilatesClasses.com, Profitable Pilates, Be It Till You See It (a podcast by Lesley Logan,) Crows Nest Cambodia, and more. Brad’s 15 years of entrepreneurial and tech startup experience have helped the company introduce digital and physical products, including memberships, courses, retreats, workshops, and pop-up tours. His background in sales and operations allowed him to grow a team of 4 up to 15 inside of a year to support the growth of the company, and their internationally distributed Pilates flashcards. Brad can be found coaching alongside Lesley in Agency, a fitness business mastermind.

Lesley Logan and Brad Crowell Profitable Pilates
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