What originally started as a book for new and existing Pilates Instructors to gain insight on the business is growing up. It’s more than a book. Much MORE! Profitable Pilates is an online community where instructors and studio owners come together for business coaching and inspiration. Find your ‘why’ and the pathway to your ‘where.’ Learn a set of tools and embrace a new mentality.
New Instructors, Veteran Instructors, Studio owners and every Pilates Teacher in between has one thing in common: You love to teach Pilates! You’re incredible at teaching Pilates. You spent hours, years studying the method. It’s time you share this knowledge with those in your world and make a living doing it. That’s what Profitable Pilates is all about. Taking your love and making a business out of it.
I was once told that having bills was a good sign that you had a business. I couldn’t agree more. But, having bills larger than what your business is bringing in can be defeating, deflating and downright stressful. It’s time you arm yourself with the tools that will rock your business.
Join me in the Profitable Pilates group and make peace with the business side of Pilates. The business stuff is not your enemy it’s your partner in crime. When you get honest about the business side of Pilates you find the pathway to your life work balance. To your goals and dreams for your business.
The Profitable Pilates group is a home, a haven for all Pilates Instructors and Studio owners to gain knowledge, gain confidence and business strength. Join the group and you will not have to wait until the next conference or workshop to come to your area. You’ll have access to my coaching on your business.
Join the Profitable Pilates Group and enjoy the Benefits of teaching Pilates.