How to hire, lead, manage so that you can do more of what you love – teaching Pilates. Hiring an assistant, VA, teachers, and more is a skill. Learn how to find the right support for your goals.
Most people hire for where they are and not where they want to grow. And often, because it’s easy to think you cannot afford to hire so you do everything yourself, you end up losing money that you could be making if you had a supportive team. Hiring out of desperation is even worse. In this course you will learn best practices for hiring, firing, and providing feedback to team members.
Also in this course, we will cover tips for hiring a team:
1. Hire fast and fire faster
2. Be very clear about what the job is, what your needs are, and go over that in an interview
3. Hire sooner than you think
4. Hiring someone to do things that do not bring you money or joy and cost you less than your hourly wage is key for creating more time in your day and growing your business
5. Know your strengths and hire your weaknesses!
Hire people who get to use their strengths to do the tasks.