Need to Make Leap
You will need to make leaps in your life and business often. It isn’t likely going to be easy. You are going to wonder if you are doing the right thing? Maybe even decide to not leap at all. I promise you though that when you stay where you doing the same thing over and over again you will feel like you are going crazy.
Or worse, you’ll quit altogether and then we lose a great teacher. So, in this blog, I’m going to give you some blogs that will support your leap, the formula you need to know to make sure you can do the link, and also why your schedule is so important when it comes to leaping.
Know Your Numbers
Know your numbers: You need to know how much money you need to make with other income streams so that you can replace the one you are wanting to give up for your leap. I talk about this a lot inside of AGENCY whenever anyone wants to talk about quitting a full-time job or starting a new project. Before I could leave my salaried job I needed to know how much money that job was paying me and the costs of any other benefits. Then I needed to know how many in my case private clients I needed in a week to make up for that annual income. So, if you are trying to give up at $60k/year job with benefits how much is that amount. Then how many private clients or units of a product, if you are selling something, do you need to make up that income? Once you know that information you can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Your dream needs to be in your schedule: I coach people on their ideal schedule A LOT!
It’s essential that you have time in your schedule to work on the things that propel your business forward. In this blog, I discuss how to set up an ideal schedule that allows you to make time for you, your goals, and still the things that you feel you have to do.
Know where you want to leap to: so this might be obvious but often times the reason people don’t leap is they haven’t spent the time thinking about the place they want to land. This is something you need to do before you leap otherwise you are likely to go back or not leap at all because your situation won’t really change.
Trust yourself: If you can’t stop thinking about doing the thing ya gotta do the thing. And the thing that gets you to leap might not be your thing in the end. But, it might be the bridge to where you are going to go. So tell yourself you can’t make the wrong decision.
I leaped during a recession from a salaried job to teaching Pilates full time. I leaped from managing studios and leading teacher trainings to working for myself. I leaped from renting space to owning my own studio and recently we leaped from having a brick and mortar to being fully virtual. All of them scared the heck out of me. All of them I was as sure as I was nervous. All of them taught me more about myself and what I was capable of. Your first leap will scare the heck out of you. But then you start to get a leaping muscle.
The truth is your heart already knows its right, it’s your head that is worried. And for many of you reading this the truth is there really is no other choice right now but to leap. It’s also the best time. No hard feelings or hurt feelings. Covid made you do it.
Where are you wanting to leap to next?