Social Media Strategies for 2021

It takes 7-17 touch points now to get one click. 7-17!! Your strategy is to post consistently around what you do and how you help people

Find a Way that Works for You

When you hear about social media strategy does it make you want to curl up in a ball, throw your phone, and wish things could just be easier? Yeah, I hear you. But, before we all Roll like a Ball into our corners and miss out on teaching those clients who need us, let’s take moment to consider a world where social media marketing works for you. First, I don’t believe that social media is THE ONLY way to get clients. Nor is it THE WAY to get clients. It is A way. Let’s find a way that works for you.

Before we can talk social media, it’s important that you are clear on who you want to be helping. You are most qualified to teach the person you once were. So, think about why you love Pilates, what life was like before you found it and how it helped you. Make sure your website has your story, how you help people, and how people can work with you. Yes, a website! Because your social content should be driving traffic back to your site…more on that later.

Then, consider where this person/people you want to help hang out. What social platforms are they on? What social platforms do you enjoy using?

The goal is for you to find an overlap. Because if you’re not having fun, then you won’t enjoy posting there. And, if they are not on the platform you’re on, then what’s the point?

Next, what questions does your ideal client ask? What answers are they looking up? This information is what you need to be creating content around. Ideally on your site as a blog first and then using social media to drive traffic to your site.

Why? Why not just post to social? Great question. Because you don’t own any of your followers on social media. And at any time they can shut your account down. So you want to make sure that your social media drives traffic to your site so that you can collect peoples’ info, aka emails, so that you can draw them into your business.

Social media written in foam letters
Social media is one of the most effective ways to nurture your Pilates business

Connect with Quality Content

Now, because social media is not the same as a search engine, you want to treat it as a way for you to connect with people. A way for them to experience you and your studio. So your posts should allow them to see who you help, how you help them, transformations and testimonials. It’s likely if they don’t know you, they will stumble on you from your site. They’ll be checking you out to see if you’re the person for them. Or, because a friend tagged them in a post.

You do not have to post ALL the time or everyday. It’s not about quantity of content. Like Pilates, it’s about quality.

Social media also wants you to be social on it! Aka, no posting and ghosting. I know you don’t want to get lost in the scroll.

  1. Make a list of businesses whose audience overlaps with yours but whose offering is different.
  2. Engage with them. Comment, like and share their content.
  3. Follow your clients, comment, like and share their content.

That strategy will help IG see who you want to see in your feed and also help you be social on social media.

In my new Social Media Strategy course, I go over more on what to do on reels, IGTV, feed posts, and stories. So if you want to go deeper on what kinds of posts to do definitely watch my course.

As mentioned above, it’s not important to be on ALL the platforms. So take some time to evaluate which ones are best for you. And, then grab a calendar. You can grab my new social media calendar tool. Look at your month and put in what days you will post. And then write in the theme of your posts on each day to help you organize.

For example, my blogs come out on Mondays. This means my social media that day will be about the blog. And then on Tuesdays, I’ll do another post that refers to a bullet point of the blog. Then on Thursday, I’ll post a quote from the blog. Maybe you have a class on Thursdays? Monday can be a sneak peek on what you’re planning on teaching. Tuesday can be about a win a client had last Thursday. And then Wednesday can be a pic of people taking a class and you sharing your story about why you teach. Notice how none of those are just promoting the class? But, they are all showing people who you are, what you do, and how you rock at it.

Female busy holding cellphone
Social media also wants you to be social on it!

Be Consistent

Because most of the time less than 1% of your followers will see your posts you don’t have to come up with 7 different posts a week. You can find different ways to talk about one or two things that will help your client. And if you’re doing it well then your post will get comments and then get pushed out to 4% of your followers. Technically that means your post went “viral.” Yep, 4%! So, that means most of your followers are not seeing what you post.

I believe that most people give up on their social media because they post about something one time and because it doesn’t get a lot of attention they stop. But, most people don’t book sessions in your comments. They are sitting, waiting, connecting, engaging, and then when they are ready they are going to your site to book. Or perhaps dm’ing you.

It takes 7-17 touch points now to get one click. 7-17!! Your strategy isn’t to post a ton. It’s to post consistently around what you do and how you help people.


  • Get clarity on your avatar.
  • Choose your platforms.
  • Write down all the questions you get asked by your client.
  • Write down all the pain points your person has and how you help them.
  • Grab a calendar (or this social media one) and plug in your topics on the days you will post.
  • Be consistent for 30 days and then review your analytics.
  • Do not worry about likes. Focus on comments and shares.
  • Be a detective and see what seems to be getting traction, what doesn’t. Make tweaks and plan the next month.

If you want more support around IG, FB, hashtags, what to look for in your analytics, dating in the dm’s, what to do and what not to do on social media, I want you to check out my latest course on social media strategies. I promise you’ll walk away with more confidence and clarity around your social media.


Social Media Strategies for 2021

Social media platforms, algorithms, and offerings feel like they change EVERY DAY! So how can you use social media to help you reach your ideal client, and connect and engage with them to grow your business in the future? In this webinar we will discuss the best current tips for using social media as well as what NOT to do. We will focus mostly on Instagram, with tips for FB as well. Learn how to find your people, write your bios, use stories, and create a space where people can't wait to sign up for all you're offering!

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<a href="" target="_self">Lesley Logan</a>

Lesley Logan

Lesley Logan fell in love with Pilates after her first 100! From side-hustle to full time, she jumped from teacher to manager to running multiple studios. She wrote a book that focused on the business of Pilates, which grew into and is now a business coaching program called Agency. Take class from LL at and listen to her podcast at When not in Las Vegas she travels, leading workshops and retreats around the world.


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