When Your Business Goals Go Out the Window

Action is the antidote to fear and clarity comes from action

Tips for Businesses During CV19

As CV19 spreads across the planet and fear of the unknown rises it can feel even harder than usual to run your business. And, you might be looking at canceling plans of workshops, retreats, or events that you have been planning for a year. Or, wondering if you should? And, it’s frustrating because you were on track to hit your goals, level up your business, you had just been getting your systems in place. So, what do you do when LIFE gets in the way of your best-laid plans?

Be Proactive! I wrote about the Circle of Concern vs the Circle of Influence in my online coaching group AGENCY: “Proactive people focus their efforts on their Circle of Influence. They work on the things they can do something about: health, children, problems at work. Reactive people focus their efforts in the Circle of Concern. things over which they have little or no control: The national debt, terrorism, or the weather. “In times like these, it is easy to let the Circle of concern rule our daily lives, our goals, or more. I’m not gonna lie. With all that is happening my daily positivity, focus on the circle of influence life has been challenged.

Spend More Time Focusing on What YOU CAN DO. This will also help your clients mindset too. But, these past two weeks as one of my events was on, then off, then on, then off but maybe on, then on, then off but with an option. The best I felt was when I had a plan. The in-between is torture. Make a decision, take action. You’re not a brain surgeon, if it doesn’t work you can do something else. You can try the other thing.

Your goals are not RUINED: I think it’s truly important to not think “it’s over!!!” It’s not over until it is. Until you choose for it to be over. We live in a time where there are infinite options and a lot of things can be trialed for a free or relatively low cost. So, look at what you wanted to do. Why did you want to do it? What was the result you wanted? The feeling? Do you still want it? If so then let’s make a new plan? Maybe we need new dates?

Maybe that allows you to clarify your marketing, your client avatar or your offering? Maybe you get to work on a future goal sooner! I know it’s hard to stomach and a bit frustrating to hear but everything really does happen for a reason! I wrote about this story on Instagram the other day. But, my wedding venue was canceled 5 weeks before the wedding! We still had a wedding and the venue we had was the coolest!!! Our wedding was even published!

Take a moment to reassess. What can you do today, tomorrow, and this week? What has to be postponed until ____ date. Fill that date in and set a reminder. Don’t be afraid to go against the grain. Or, with it! I’ve been doing virtual sessions for quite some time. And, while I never offered them to my in-person clients while I was in Cambodia hearing that offices were closing and schools were closing in my town and my meditation place was doing all classes for the rest of March virtually.  I offered all my in-person clients the same virtual sessions. All of them in the past might not have been interested but they are this week! And super appreciative of it.

Grab the list of things you were going to do “when you have time.”  You know that list of things you keep putting off until “you have time.” Well, now you likely do. Take advantage of this. Sure, you might feel like you want to binge out on Netflix, Hulu, etc. And, I’m not saying don’t. But, that ideal work schedule you’ve wanted or already had…keep it! Use the “free time” to do get ahead in your blogs, social media content, newsletters, etc.

Remember You Will Get Through This. And when you do how do you want to feel. Did you know that during the 2008/9 recession the fitness industry didn’t suffer like everything else. Zumba took off and so did so many other boutique studios. Yep! It’s true. So, you can use this time to think that the world or virus is against you. Or, you can use it as a time to GSD! Get stuff done. What do you want to have done, where do you want to be when they have things “under control.”

Caitlin Hatzenbuhler, Pilates teacher taking a break after her Pilates exercise
Use the “free time” to do get ahead in your blogs, social media content, newsletters, etc. Photo Courtesy of Caitlin Hatzenbuhler

Get Support!

The reality is my friend you never had full control over your goals. You just thought you did. We all only have the time right now, and the control of how we react to everything that is happening. So, you can worry about things you cannot handle. Or, you can focus on the things you can affect. Like your family, friends, and your local community.

I’ve have received so many emails from companies about things they are doing to help during this time. One food delivery company told me she can deliver during this time so not to worry if the stores are empty! The meditation studio moving virtually actually allows me to go almost daily now. Zoom is working with schools to help them offer virtual classes. This is a time when we can all come together and offer what we can.

Maybe you have been wanting your mat classes to fill and now they are dwindling. Move them to online and I bet you get people from all over your town who couldn’t make it in time. If you’re wanting help going virtual I am leading a call on this inside AGENCY there will be replay for members.

Get support! Seriously, it’s really easy to feel like you are alone. That no one really understands. To worry you’re going to lose everything and no one gets it.

My online coaching community does have a few spots available right now and they want you in it. We are stronger together.

Lastly, your goals are only out the window if you open that window and let them fly off without you. It’s your life, it’s your decision. Action is the antidote to fear and clarity comes from action. So, what action will you take?


Pilates fitness group talking outdoor
This is a time when we can all come together and offer what we can.

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<a href="https://profitablepilates.com/instructor/lesley-logan-2/" target="_self">Lesley Logan</a>

Lesley Logan

Lesley Logan fell in love with Pilates after her first 100! From side-hustle to full time, she jumped from teacher to manager to running multiple studios. She wrote a book that focused on the business of Pilates, which grew into ProfitablePilates.com and is now a business coaching program called Agency. Take class from LL at OnlinePilatesClasses.com and listen to her podcast at LesleyLogan.co/podcast. When not in Las Vegas she travels, leading workshops and retreats around the world.


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