Be Clear on the Message
If you’re like me, you know you have a message to share, but you get stuck when it comes to sharing it because of one of two reasons; either, all the ideas come at you at once and you get overwhelmed, or, none of the ideas come when you need them most. So you shut down and think you’re not creative enough for this.
I’m learning that before you come up with all the content ideas you first need to be clear on the message you are here to share. If you’re confident in your message you’ll never be stuck for what to say, you’ll know exactly where to go every time you open a Post or Stories or Live…
Never Feel Stuck for Content
That’s why I was thrilled to host this course for Profitable Pilates, to guide you through a process I’ve been using for 20 years as a public speaker. This course will make you abundantly clear on what you’re here to say, so you never feel stuck for content again.
I’ve been a performer all my life, an actor turned youth worker turned public speaker and coach, I’m here to tell captivating stories and help people share their stories with the world. I live near Toronto, Canada, have been married for 15 years with three kids and a thriving business, and yet, I still feel afraid and stuck when it comes to sharing good content. This process doesn’t solve the core issues, but it sure helps get out of the muck quickly so I can keep coming up with tons of great ideas.
Oh, and that’s part of the fun of this process – as you work through creating your message and outline you’ll naturally come up with a boatload of content ideas to store up for whenever you want them.
If you want to share your message confidently and consistently, get the course. Find clarity in your authentic message, and start putting quality consistent content out there for us in no time.