Find a Way that Works for You When you hear about social media strategy does it make you want to curl up in a ball, throw your phone, and wish things could just be easier? Yeah, I hear you. But, before we all Roll like a Ball into our corners and...
Find a Way that Works for You When you hear about social media strategy does it make you want to curl up in a ball, throw your phone, and wish things could just be easier? Yeah, I hear you. But, before we all Roll like a Ball into our corners and...
What Would You Do? It’s pretty obvious that COVID has affected Pilates and fitness clubs dramatically. Whether you are a teacher, studio owner, or something in between the virus, the constant changes in how we can interact with our clients, and the...
Need to Make Leap You will need to make leaps in your life and business often. It isn't likely going to be easy. You are going to wonder if you are doing the right thing? Maybe even decide to not leap at all. I promise you though that when you stay...